
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Content marketing vision: being different

Content creation and content marketing is essential to any successful marketing campaign, you will not only get high website traffic but also gain the trust from your target clients. But with the lack of time and resources to deliver fresh and unique contents may lead to business failure. Here are some tips and tricks on how to deliver unique contents and how you can gain more online visibility through your contents alone.

The tips and tricks to get your started

It is a part of integral to create quality content to succeed on inbound marketing; unfortunately a lack of time and resources to write or design your blog can be the down fall of your business. So how can you make content marketing work for you?
1.       Create headline
Gather ideas on content topic for your blog, it can be daunting but once you have started you will be surprised on how many topics you have come up with. Creating a headline first will help you determine your keywords, your description and your overall topic. Try to look back on the questions your clients have about your products and service, you can use those questions and turn it into guide through content. Gathering or brain storming headlines for your content will serve as a solid foundation for your content marketing campaign.
2.       Click click click
While you have gathered your headlines, it is time to list down your keywords and turn them into clickable ideas.
3.       Plan for productivity
Now that you have gathered all your needed resources and ideas of topic for your business blog, it is time to start planning, develop an editorial plan. An editorial plan will help you track your content once it is published.

Write content like a pro

Anyone can start a blog and write contents, but you are not here to just write. Keep in mind you want your blog to be guide from a professional to a client. One of the most struggles of marketers are creating enough content and continuously keeping the quality high. That is something professional writers do on a daily basis. This is why you need an editorial plan for your website content; you just don’t want to write about anything and everything that is related to your business. You want to earn the expertise your clients expect from you. So learn your products and services learn the needs of your clients and start delivering the answers they need through your website content.

Create a simple content creation planning document

Throughout your content marketing plan, you will be making lots of important decisions about how you will construct and manage your content efforts. Start a new excel sheet and save it “content plan Year” And then you can start with these tips below:
1.       Strategic Plan – First you have to name one tab on your excel as “Strategic plan” Then start putting all your headlines on one column.
2.       Create other useful columns where you can add the : objective, structure, Designed action, time and publish.
3.       Core message – create another box for your core message
Get more ideas and search online for Content marketing plan samples. Get the template or idea from the one that works best for you and easy for you to understand.

Decide how you will use your content to grow your business, determine your goals and learn how you can use other marketing channels to promote your content. You can get more ideas from this blog here.

Good luck with your content marketing plan, if you should ever need to update your corporate website and blog we can help you, contact us here

2 Wisconsin Circle Suite 700 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Office: (410) 344-7874
Fax: (202) 318-0689

SocraticSBC is 100% committed to creating solutions, and delivering quality content that improves the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow me on Twitter at @rwhunni or email me at and let me know what you think about our services. Your feedback makes us better.

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